Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Giant Schnauzer Dog Cart Stories

When you have a Giant Schnauzer, you sort of get use to people stopping you and asking questions about the breed and where did you get the dog. In my case, the experience has gone one step further. I take my Giants for a walk hooked up to a dog cart. I rarely don't get too far before someone stops us and starts asking questions.

Here are some stories about what has happened to us while out for a cart walk.One day I was going down the street with Cinderella hooked up to her cart. I got about half way down the street when a woman came running out of her house yelling "I saw that dog on T V in Kansas City". Well, it turned out that my new neighbor had seen a program that had been done locally by an NBC affiliate and the program had been aired on a national scale.

Cinderella and a few dog friends of hers with dog carts ( a West Highland White Terrier and a Soft Coated Wheaten) had been interviewed by the local station and they put together a half-hour program on dogs and carting. The program was also about kids and what they can do as Jr. TV reporters. The girl doing the interview was about twelve or thirteen years old and did a great job.

The Westie had led the Memorial Day Parade and the whole parade had to move at the pace set by that little Westie. The Army Tankers were complaining about going so slow and what was holding up the parade. All of the ten Dog Carters in the parade had a great laugh at that one. By the way, we won first prize for the best unit in the parade. Gave the $150.00 to the local Kennel Club as a donation.

Another time, I had an incident with Pazazz one day coming back from the lumber yard. I had a load of 2x4's and some other lumber on the cart and Pazazz was walking along, tail up and happy to be working. We live about two blocks from the yard. A woman pulled up along side us and shouted " you should be whipped for making that poor dog pull that heavy load. I told her to look at the dog and you will notice that her tail is wagging an mile a minuet. She loves it and the load is less than fifty pounds.

She pulls 75lbs of sand bags for conditioning and thinks nothing of it. I received no answer as she raced away. Another day, Gemma and I were coming down Wyoming Avenue with about 50lbs of sand bags in the cart and a lady pulled over to the curb and ran over to us. She was very excited about seeing a dog pull a cart and wanted to know where I got the cart and what breed of dog Pazazz was. I said, lady your car is going down the street, you had better run and stop it. In her excitement, she had stopped, opened the door, got out, and never put the car in park!

Fortunately, she was able to catch it and stop it. It turned out that she was a reporter for one of the local papers and did a very nice story about carting and Giant Schnauzers! Even took pictures of both of us. We got the front page of the News Paper the next day.

Giant Regards,
Harry Russ
123 Yeager Ave
Forty Fort, PA 18704-4031



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